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PRP (platelet rich plasma) injection for the back


I recently did a PRP injection for a young teenager with a pars injury (a portion of your lumbar spine that is under high stress with certain sporting activities). We tried rest and time, with minimal relief. Complaints included lower back pain, leg pain, and some numbness in the feet.


Debating between an SUV or sports car?


Well, I drive an SUV. No, it is not because I love visiting the gas station every 2 days, rather it's to prevent back pain. The bigger the car, the better it is for your back! Rule of thumb: Your knees should be level or below your hips. This position places the least stress on your lower back. And if you are planning a long trip, take breaks every hour.


What sleep position is good for your back?


That nightly pose can help reduce back and neck pain. Laying flat with a small pillow under your knees is the best position. However, laying flat on your stomach can worsten back pain.


Are NSAIDs safe if you're over 60?


If you're over 60, think twice about taking longterm anti-inflammatories, especially if you have kidney or heart problems. Longterm daily use of NSAIDs (over 30 days) can cause acute kidney injury or damage. Early signs are an elevation of creatinine and/or BUN in your blood. If you are over 60 and on an NSAID, consult your doctor.


Does herbal turmeric reduce pain?


A patient recently asked me if Turmeric (an herbal supplement) will help reduce her neck pain. She recently read something about it online but knew very little. What I tell all my patient's regarding herbal medicine is " although research rarely supports the herbal's advertised use, some people do have positive responses. Therefore, if it helps than continue taking it. However, let your doctor know."

I put together a little something about the history and use of Turmeric. The information provided is from recent research studies. Current recommended dosage is max of 2g per day.


Darvocet (propoxyphene) withdrawn from US market


As of November 19, 2010, Xanodyne Pharmaceuticals Inc. the makers of Darvon (propoxyphene) and Darvocet (propoxyphene and acetaminophen) are withdrawing these medications from the US market on the recommendations of the US Food and Drug Administration. New data shows that these medications place patients at risk for serious heart rhythm abnormalities. Propoxyphene is an opioid used to treat moderate pain. All physicians are asked to stop prescribing this medication.


Quick everyday tips to a healthy back


Preventing back pain and back issues begins early. Here are some quick tips you can do everyday to help prevent back pain and other back issues.


7 Ways Proven to Treat Low Back Pain


Back pain is a difficult condition to effectively treat. I have put together some scientifically proven treatments that can reduce low back pain. Please consult an experienced physician when beginning or ending any treatments.

Academy of Orthopaedics recommends against vertebroplasty


The new treatment guidelines has changed as of September 24, 2010. Vertebropasty is a procedure used to surgically treat spinal compression fractures, whereby injecting cement material within the body of a compressed vertebra. These guidelines have been suggested based on research.


Scoliosis and the Young Spine


Scoliosis is abnormal curve and rotation of the spine affecting over 6 million children per year. Treatment options include careful watching, bracing and surgery. However, modern research have found a new genetic test that can predict which child is likely to progress or become worst, and which child will not. This could be the difference between brace, surgery or nothing at all.


Scoliosis and prevention of neurological injury


Neuromonitoring is the standard of care during any surgical treatment of scoliosis in young patients. A recent study published in Sept 2010 evaluating 3436 young patients, showed accurate detection of permanent neurological status in 99.6% of patients and reduction of permanent neurological injury to less than 0.17% when neuromonitoring was utilized (1). Safe surgery is critical for any patient. Ask you doctor about neuromonitoring and its utility in scoliosis surgery.

Neuromonitoring during Spinal Surgery


During spinal surgery, the spinal cord and nerves are at risk for injury. However, with the use of neuromonitoring, we are able to, in real-time, monitor and record nerve activity to ensure safety.

The aim of neuromonitoring is to evaluate the integrity of the spinal cord and nerves during spinal surgery.

A clear understanding of neurophysiology and anesthesiology is required to appropriately understand and interpret the data. Various anesthetics, changes in body temperature, position, hypotension, and various medications can alter the neuromonitoring response.

I feel that neuromonitoring, including both motor and sensory pathways, is vital in order to perform safe spinal surgery. During your doctors visit, inquire about neuromonitoring, its’ indications and utility.

Can weight gain cause back pain? Absolutely!


Obesity affects over 130 million Americans. We all understand that obesity contributes to heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and certain cancers. What about your back?


Meeting at the WOA and presentation on minimally invasive surgery


I spent today at the Western Orthopaedic Association meeting. I presented our data on minimally invasive treatment (percutaneous screws) for treating spine fractures. Check out my slides below. Keep in mind that minimally invasive treatment of spine fractures are not for everyone and have strict indications, however when indicated, it works extremely well. Patients recover faster with tiny incisions and minimal hospital stay.


Welcome to my blog


Welcome to my health blog, a place for new and reliable information regarding spine and overall health. All material presented will be written or edited by myself, and supported by research and science. In addition, I will present my recommendations on current topics in spine and your overall health issues.